After finishing up at the High School you, Josef, and Nick headed to your house at around 11:45. At your house you finalized the Python/Java server combination (which was awesome!) and then you fixed the file. You also worked on integrating the new server into the code you had already written. After spending a few hours working (and a little bit of time eating), you, Josef, Liam, and Nick headed to frisbee practice.
Frisbee practice was at a perfect time. There was no rain and little wind. After frisbee practice you headed to swimming. Swimming was tiring and you were extremely hungry the entire time...and couldn't stop thinking about Indian food. After swimming you dropped Nick's bike off at his house and headed home. You spend the next couple of hours eating dinner, studying WHAP, throwing darts, emailing people, and reading up on Python module packaging.
All in all it was a good, productive day.
You're very excited to finally cut our the heat-sinks/PVC at Baxter tomorrow!