Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Today you woke up at 07:30 and got ready to head down to Baxter Academy in Portland. At Baxter you planned on meeting with Mr. Amory (your field advisor) to talk about creating the heatsink and creating the jig for the PVC piping. At around 8:45 you left with in one car, and the others left in another. In Portland you stopped briefly at the Post Office with your brother to submit an application for a passport. After doing that, you headed to Baxter.

When you arrived at the school you gave a quick presentation on Project RoboGoby and then went to work with Mr. Amory in the computer lab. While in the computer lab you figured out a few things. First you, Nick, and Mr. Amory decided to push the LEDs to the front on the dome (and therefore have to black "walling" to bock the light from reflecting inside of the dome). You also thought of an easy way to create a heatsink+light combination that was easy to replace. Basically, the LED will be attached to a copper rectangle which will then be attached to a larger heatsink. The heatsink+light unit will then be bolted onto the lens which sits embedded in the plastic dome of the submersible.

While at Baxter you spent a while looking at different waterproof connectors trying to find the best connector for power transfer to the sub. After looking for a while you settled on using a connector from Bucaneer (you found a great deal on EBay).

After choosing the connector to helped Liam and Nick finish up working with the PVC. You then went to lunch at Portland Pie. After lunch, you worked a little more and then left Baxter with Quinton, Ben, Bryce, Liam, and Nick to head to frisbee.

At frisbee you taught Ben and Bryce the Dice, YKK, and Ho-Stack plays. After that you practiced zone defense more by scrimmaging the entire practice. After frisbee you headed over to swimming...although you delayed your arrival by talking about the project and only had to swim for 45 minutes.

After swimming you headed home. At home you got the SSC150 depth sensor working on the BeagleBone Black. After that you purchased another BeagleBone (this one for the sub). Nick then came over after the NHS induction ceremony. You drilled some holes in the jig (pictured below) and decided to email Mr. Amory to ask about machining the PVC.

After Nick left you spent a little over and hour editing the MLTI presentation.