Thursday, May 29, 2014

Finishing Up the Server (5/28)

Today was another day of Python.

You woke up at 08:00 and worked a little bit on sprucing up the code. You then went into town to first get flowers for Prom, and then talk to Mrs. Barter and Mrs. Donovan at the HS. After talking with both people, you returned home and met with Josef while Nick and Liam were at Baxter.

You spent a few hours working to perfect the Python code, and ultimately settled on using a one-server system (instead of a two server) that read the IPs of connected devices and allocated either listening or sending based on that IP.

After [mostly] finishing the servers, you went to Frisbee practice as your game against Forest City (Portland) had been canceled. You also received the schedule for states. Freeport is seeded 5th out of 12 teams! You also had to scramble last minute to get a chaperone for the team as there is no coach, but we need a legal adult (over 21) to act as a chaperone at states.

After frisbee, you went to swimming and then came home. You worked a little on the python code, and then went out to dinner with Jessica.

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