Monday, May 26, 2014


You woke up at 0800 again today. You then had pancakes made by your father and then you accompanied him to work so that you could grab his ethernet crimpers. You then headed to Travis's around 0930 and created four ethernet cables using the crimpers (it was much easier than using a hammer/screwdriver like the first attempt).

After that you went in town to find accessories for your prom tux and were quite unsuccessful. You then headed back to Travis's and wrote up the beginnings of two blog posts.

After that you tried to look into the problem of getting a dimmer for our LEDs working. It was unsuccessful at the time but Travis figured out the problem tonight. You then ate lunch and played darts for a break.

You helped Josef and Travis with code for the motors using the X-Box controller for about an hour. Then Liam and Josef left (around 1700) and you and Travis decided to work on the float. You two went to L.L.Bean where you bought a waterproof box for the electronics on the float (it took two tries as the rejected your check?).

The two of you then went back to your house and worked on putting the electronics neatly in the box and making a shelf for it to rest on. After that you made a rest for the battery and decided how you would attach the dish.

Finally you bough the accessories for your tux online and started a job search for the summer.

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