You first fixed the Socket Servers which took about two hours. After completely re-writing the servers, you think that they're all set. You take a break from intensive python and get the DS18B20 temperature sensor woking on the BeagleBone. You also try out the battery monitor. The values from the ADC read seem to be jumping all over the think that it's either a bad connection to the battery or the BeagleBone is just bad at reading analog values.
Temp Sensor and BeagleBone |
You finish with the servers and temperature sensors/battery around 17:00. You then start writing a few different blog posts (C920 Camera, temp sensor, battery, etc.). At around 18:25 you head outside to cook the steak you're having for dinner. At around 19:30 Nick comes over and you spec out the different camera designs. After finding the field of vision of the camera and physically setting up a camera scenario, you know the design needs to be changed.
Nick worked on perfecting the CAD design while you added to the sensor-reading python code and purchased the final materials (hopefully) needed to finish up the project. At around 22:30 Nick left, and you finished up work for the day.
You also have realized that this weekend is just the beginning of a very, very long week.
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