Saturday, May 10, 2014

Weekend 1 - Some Free Time

You had a good Saturday, although you did not get that much done for the project. In the morning you used the 5 pounds of Potassium Nitrate you bought to make an awesome sugar-rocket surprise. The stuff you made was explosive! and awesome.

At 13:15 Nick, Liam, and Josef came over. Josef work on streaming video, while Nick and Liam worked on the list of materials we need to purchase for the project. You helped Josef with the video streaming and finally finished the TCP Python Server (which took a while for some reason). You also helped create the list which included a few things. You ended up purchasing timing belts for the float, materials for the thrusters, and double o-ring seals for both the submersible and the float. You and Nick decided on the best way to seal the sub and the float and walked away feeling good about both designs. You also read the post Nick wrote about the first half Float V2, edited it, and added some pictures. You also planned on meeting Monday morning at Nick's to choose the brushes need for the power transfer on the float (from the batteries through the spool and into the wire).

You had a productive day because the materials you purchased today will allow you to finish the entire float next weekend (including the tether). It will also allow you to start work on the actual submersible (by hopefully finishing the LEDs and heat-sinks).

After spending around 3 hours on the project, you made some more rocket fuel and ignited it in some water (it burned surprising well half submerged). Tomorrow you will have a video demonstration...sadly you did not take a video today.

Your also excited to read the new volume of Make!

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