Sunday, May 25, 2014

Weekend 3: ECE

Today you again woke up at 8:25 (predictable...right?) and took a shower. You started work on the Cape for the BeagleBone on the float. At around 9:10 you went down to have breakfast. Liam and Nick were at your house, but your dad had not finished making the pancakes he had wanted to make. You, Liam, and Nick then waited and talked a little, but mostly ate pancakes. At 9:50 Liam and Nick headed downstairs while you headed upstairs to finish the Cape.

Although you went downstairs a few times, you spent almost four hours planning and putting together the cape (you don't know why this took so long...). Below is the finished product with all of the sensors attached:

After finishing the Cape you continued to work on the BeagleBone software. You now have running code which will read the sensor data from ALL of the sensors and output it in a byte stream to a client. It was exciting to finally get some pieces put together. 

Tomorrow you are going to work on the Pi software...basically creating servers to read incoming Xbox data and interpret it -- whether it's the PWM for thrusters, servo, or LEDs.

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